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A portrait map of diversity and unity
(This is a work in progress)

This photographic project aims to create a vivid tapestry of human expression, where faces become windows to the soul and traditional attire becomes a powerful emblem of identity.

The heart of *Worldtraits* lies in its portrayal of ethnical groups, wearing their distinctive traditional clothing.  

Beyond the apparent differences, these portraits also illuminate the shared humanity that binds us all. A smile, a glance, a gesture—these universal languages transcend boundaries and emphasize the connections that unite us as a global family.

*Worldtraits* is an ongoing project that continually evolves with my travels, adding layers to the narrative of our global heritage. It's not merely a collection of photographs; it's an invitation to journey alongside me, exploring the world's cultural kaleidoscope, one portrait at a time. By witnessing the array of traditions, both distinct and interwoven, we gain a deeper appreciation for the intricate beauty of our planet and the people who call it home.

Join me on this expedition of discovery, as we traverse continents and delve into the stories etched on faces, garments, and landscapes. Together, let's celebrate the intricate tapestry of humanity that makes our world a remarkable and harmonious mosaic.

Because every portrait has a story, and every story connects us.

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